OK so I've finally got the whole list of all the people who wanted to join the Mini-Game collab and is subject to change
Pre-loader - MrRandomist -Done&Sent-
Menu - MrRandomist -Done-
Medals - Zuggz -waiting till collab is done-
1. MrRandomist & zooomnish -Done&Sent-
2. MrRandomist & zooomnish -Done&Sent-
3. Logidude -?-
4. Izzy712 & Mahora -?-
5. Pahgawk -Done&Sent-
6. sasuke2910 & Acedareaper -?-
7. Argentin & Sasuke2910 -Says its Done-
8. JBP -Done&Sent-
9. Scallywagg -?-
10. Powersource & Izzy712 -Done&Sent-
11. JPB & eljose707 & Pahgawk -Done&Sent-
6 of 10 games are complete!
I am making something, got the programming done, now just need to enhance the art.
ill have a look now