Flash isn't dead and JavaScript sucks donkey balls. Seriously, what other plugins runs web games as smooth as Flash RIGHT NOW? Of course Unity is around the corner. But JavaScript won't be a contender and HTML5 will need another few years.
Only because Flash doesn't run on iPhones means nothing. Seriously, Flashgames that you play in a browser on a desktop computer never ran on Androids either, so there has never been an opportunity for Flash to work for smartphones. Only optimized games make it to smatphones.
Eh, I've heard the same thing being said all the time, but I enjoy working in Flash. They're looking at it in a purely commercial way, if you like making games in it, then by all means, keep doing it. The most important factor is that you have fun.
Whilst it is true Flash isn't having the hottest of times at the moment, there are still great exceptions. Games from Edmund McMillen for example are selling like sweetcakes. It's all about how you tackle the distribution.
MrRandomist (Updated )
I enjoy flash for its vector tool set, its great. Flash as a program is a whole other story though.
Its inspiring seen Edmunds games essentially made in flash or has that effect i.e. style being sold in the dozens (also seen in games like castle crashers and blocks that matter).
So rather than using flash player/internet distribution as a method should we then use the iPhone method/possible html 5 conversion? or using it as a tool set for a comercial game should we not learn some aspect of flash for say menu's, UI or Prototypes? as at the uni im at its being completely cut as a tool (set) to learn.